Building your own property portfolio

Why Strike Capital?

Modern thinking, traditional values

For many sports professionals considering their financial options after their career has ended, there are limited opportunities for them outside of the sport. Media punditry and coaching are difficult lines of work to move into, and in many cases, the second career is unlikely to pay as well as the first. The smart play is to invest in such a way that the initial fortune pays out over a lifetime.

Young sportspersons in particular are likely to be subjected to sudden and substantial increases in earnings, and because of this, it’s difficult to think about long-term financial security, or any financial difficulties that may arise in the future. They are often surrounded by people who do not have their best interests at heart, which can result in bad investment decisions and get used to a certain lifestyle which would be unsustainable once their sporting career ends.

Property has endured as one of the safest and most effective methods for would-be-investors to securely build up wealth over time.

It provides both a monthly income, as a well as an accumulation of assets that will mean financial security late into life.


Your Security

As a sporting professional the highs can be incredible, but as seen in the media the lows can be shattering. Knowing that your financial future is secure for both you and your family should undoubtably be one of your biggest concerns and investing in property can give you that security and peace of mind.
Our approach to investment starts by listening to you, the client, and understanding your financial goals and expectations. We strive to build mutually beneficial relationships with our clients as we believe strong communication and trust are essential in effectively navigating the fruitful but complex property investment market.

Strike Capital - Helping you reach your property goals.